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Sweater Stretch Tester / 毛衫密度拉伸仪


MLY-1A型 毛衫密度拉伸仪(大拉密)

* 国家专利产品(实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 202120816011.2)
* 适用于各种毛衫衣片做纵向(横向)大拉密试验用的全自动数字化测试仪器。
* LCD显示屏,中英文界面可转换。
* 拉力和长度单位可公制或英制转换。
* 适用于拥有多台电脑横机的车间现场抽查衣片,控制台差。

* National patented product (Utility model patent No.ZL 202120816011.2).
* An automatic digital instrument used for testing weft (warp) stretching values of various sweater pieces.
* LCD display, the display page can be switched between Chinese/ English.
* The unit of stretching force and stretching length can be converted from metric system to British system.
* It is suitbale for checking the sweater pieces and adjusting the difference between multiple computerized 
   sweater knitting machines in the workshop.


MLY-1型 毛衫密度拉伸仪(小拉密)

* 适用于各种毛衫做10个线圈横向(纵向)小拉密试验用的全自动数字化测试仪器。
* 测试结果(拉力值和拉伸长度)屏幕直观动态显示。
* 体积小、重量轻,适合不同环境下使用。

* An automatic digital instrument used for testing 10 stitches weft (wrap) stretching values of sweaters.
* LED display the testing results (stretching force and stretching length value).
* Small size, light weight, suitable for different working environments.

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